I am often asked why I chose to get my Master's in Forensic Psychology at the The Chicago School of Professional Psychology after having been a speaker for many years (beginning at age 14).
I sought to combine my experiential knowledge as a child abduction survivor, advocate, and motivational speaker with an academically-based education. 📚
My goal was to become a true expert in every way available.
I have always believed that in order to solve an issue you must first understand it. The issue of child abuse and child sexual exploitation is complex and a multi-faceted approach is necessary to combat it.
It is crucial that it be viewed from various perspectives, be it from the viewpoint of the victim(s), their family, the offender, law enforcement, or the prosecutorial team. To prevent the crime, we must examine both its origin and execution.
I graduated in 2016. Thank you, TCSPP, for writing this profile on my work! ❤️